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 Author, Actor, Singer, Choreographer, Artist

Graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in NYC, but returned to Michigan due to family obligations. Received a Bachelor's Degree in Communication and Musical Theatre from Eastern Michigan University and studied abroad in Japan.

Currently lives in Michigan, with a few cats, a husband, and lots of wildlife nearby. Day jobs tend to involve teaching music, theatre, ballet, competition and ballroom dance, and generally enjoying life. Otherwise, a freelance artist and maker.

I dabble in everything and make lots of different types of art. I am honored to share my stories with you and hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Blatherskite Press, or BS Press, for short, is the pre-publishing company I created in order to present my writing to you, the reader. By self-publishing everything, I am able to maintain creative control over all of my work, from editing, to the font choices, to the finished cover looks. It was a crazy idea, and I am essentially a one person army, taking on many jobs in order to continue to present my writing as I want it presented. 


The goal is to eventually help other artists and authors navigate the self-publishing world with confidence and ease. I want to thank you for your support in this venture.

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